Getting back into the swing of things.

I feel like I haven’t written anything in ages! Partly that’s true. I haven’t posted for over 2 months. But I have been writing a little.

There’s a host of reasons for why not. Some of them good, some of them…. not so much.

I’m battling yet another new health issue. It never seems to end. I’ve written a lot about gut health and dietary things, and until recently I had my IBS under control. At first I thought it was because of a little too much sugar and grains sneaking into my diet over Christmas, but getting strict again didn’t resolve it this time. So I think something else is going on, and it’s causing me a massive amount of gut pain and digestive issues.

Of course, all of my initial test results have come back normal, so now I’m booked in for a colonoscopy – fun times ahead – not! I guess you can all look forward to a blog about that!

I’ve also been battling the demons in my head again. It’s not unusual when a new health issue arises (or an old one just gets too much) for mental health to take a bit of a dive again.

I’m going to take a little detour around that and come back to it in a moment.

The ever tolerant Knight in Tarnished Armour and I have been renovating for what seems like forever. Some of the things we wanted to do got put on hold when I got sick. It simply didn’t make financial sense to borrow money for mostly aesthetics when we really didn’t know if I was ever going back to work.

We’ve diligently saved up and worked out cheaper ways to do things, and studiously ignored the unfinished and unpainted bits. But now we are getting some of the things done! Yay!

Part of the reason for this is that I got myself registered as a Marriage Celebrant and have been setting up my home office sorted and doing all the things associated with setting up a new small business. I’ve got a couple of weddings booked and I’m super excited about this new adventure.

Now I’m never going to make a massive amount of money doing this. But it’s a job I’m already loving – possibly as much as I loved being a vet! And it’s much more manageable energy wise.

But the renovations has included getting some painters in to finish painting the places that we started. Now I actually don’t mind painting. It’s a task I used to help with when I was a kid. My tiny kid hips would fit between the handles of a ladder so I could happily sit at the top, and monkey up and down painting the cornices of a room, while my vertigo affected mother tried not to watch!

As an adult, I can remember painting half a wall before work, heading off to do a full shift as a vet, then painting the other half when I got home. So getting people in to paint walls really triggered the FibroTroll to bring over all the mental health friends (co-morbid conditions) and along came all those feelings of guilt, inadequacy and depression. Combined with the new health issues. I’ve really been struggling.

So I’ve been back to my psychologist, who again has proved her worth. I’m in a much better frame of mind – and that’s probably the reason I’m back here.

We talked about a lot of things. I was reminded to get back into my meditation, yoga, writing – all the things that I know help, but then start to forget when things take a turn for the worse.

But the big thing we talked about was priorities. Everything we do in life requires an allocation of resources. It might be time, it might be energy (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual) and it might be money. And how we choose to prioritise those resources is up to us.

Back when I was well, the limited resource was usually time. As a university student, it was usually money. Now, it’s energy. I’ve got loads of time. I don’t have loads of money, but I’m super lucky that the Knight earns enough that we are comfortable. But energy – oh that precious, precious resource!

So now I’m sitting at my dining table with my laptop, while a very nice man is sanding and filling gaps and cleaning and prepping my front room. He’s going to paint it later today and tomorrow and then my new office will be freshly painted and looking lovely.

This is something that I can do. I have the knowledge and skills to perform this task. (Probably not as good as the painter’s skills.) But it would literally take me weeks or months. He’ll be finished tomorrow – and do a better job. And that energy that I would use on that task will simply not be there for anything else.

I won’t be able to cook, do the washing, write blogs, meet clients for weddings, do gardening or any of the other things that compete for my energy resources. My energy is already lower due to the new health issues and needs to be saved for looking after me and the Knight.

The Knight hates painting, so he doesn’t want to allocate his time and energy to that task. He also doesn’t much enjoy cooking and cleaning (although he does do those anyway) and very much does not like watching me in pain.

So instead of feeling guilty about this, I have re-framed it as a choice. Instead of allocating the resources of my time and energy into the painting task, I have chosen to allocate the resource of money – to pay someone else to do it. The priority for both the Knight and me is that I keep my energy for the other tasks, so that I don’t collapse in a heap and he has to take time off work to care for me. And the big break-through that I have had this week? – I’m ok with that choice.

Another post on the importance of mental health and chronic illness.

I just realised that I completely missed March. I did a lot of writing, just not here.

I’ve been dealing with some personal issues and because it affects way more than just me, I’m not going to go into detail on a public page. I also had to do a witness statement to police (I’m fine, just saw a thing and my statement will hopefully help lock up a person who very much deserves it.) And again I have extra health issues on top of my usual ones – once again gynaecological on top of my usual dysmenorrhoea, so I’ll be off for more surgery in May.

So this last month, my cortisol (stress hormone) levels have probably been through the roof.

I tried all the things my psychologist recommends, I tried to meditate, which didn’t go so well. I tried to exercise, but because cortisol elevates pain levels, that also didn’t go well. I wrote – A LOT about the issues. Mostly just to myself, but also to the other people involved. And none of it was helping.

I am very much a person who needs to close boxes. Closing some of the boxes helped a bit. Getting the witness statement done and signed, closed that box. Seeing my gynaecologist and booking surgery closed that box. It might seem strange that I consider that box closed, but having someone willing to investigate and having a plan in place is enough for me to close that box. Surgery itself will be a box I open in May and I’m okay with that.

Open boxes cause me distress. The personal issue was most definitely an open box and it didn’t seem like there was going to be a way to close it. Lack of response to an issue causes me more distress. Even someone being angry at me is better than the feeling that I am not even worth the time to respond. Which may not be what they were thinking, but logic doesn’t always get a look in when you are on a downward spiral. So I spiralled faster and further downhill. I ruminated and stewed and argued with myself and stressed myself into a flare.

Thankfully, not a full on “can’t get out of bed because I’m too wobbly and weak and sore” level flare, but a milder version, where I can basically take care of myself for most of the day, but anything more than that and the FibroTroll starts playing with his clubs.

Elevated cortisol levels also weaken your immune system, so I’ve been fighting a cold as well, which has meant I couldn’t get into my HBO2 chamber because my sinuses were blocked.

So I made an appointment with my psychologist. As I’ve mentioned before, mental health concerns like anxiety and depression are common co-morbid conditions with Fibromyalgia. Any flare ups with those conditions, and/or increased stress levels will make the FibroTroll come running to the party.

Yesterday, I spent a very productive session with my psychologist and now I have a new set of tools in my toolbox for dealing with this. While the issue is not yet resolved, and may not get resolved in a way that makes me happy, I am now much more ready to deal with it. We worked out a way for me to close a smaller box regarding the issue, and she gave me tools to help me be okay with the bigger box not being closed and possibly not ever getting to close it. I’m sorry for being so vague, but I hope that vagueness will actually help others to apply the idea to their own issues.

I guess the point of today’s post is that it is okay to get professional help. It’s okay to not be coping even if it seems like it should be a minor issue. Psychologists are highly trained, caring people and they have the tools to help you cope. While psychology has not cured my Fibromyalgia, it has absolutely improved my quality of life.

So if you are struggling – with anything at all, no matter how “minor” you might think it is, reach out for help. You do not have to do this on your own.