May you live in interesting times.

There’s a reason why this saying is considered both a blessing and a curse.

And the funniest thing about this post, is that I started writing it a year ago! I got as far as the title and first sentence. I honestly can’t remember what I had intended to write, but I certainly couldn’t have predicted the last 12 months!

What a year it has been. Like a lot of us, the events of 2020 threw me out of any sort of rhythm. In some ways enforced isolation was great! No worrying about whether I could make it to a function. I didn’t catch anywhere near the number of colds I usually do, and no flu. My day-to-day life didn’t really change much. Still mostly a hermit, only leaving the house for appointments.

The difference for me was that ‘normies’ now had a taste of what it was like to be me. Except that I don’t have the energy to spring clean the house or get the garden in order.

Please don’t misunderstand. I would never have wished anything like Covid-19 on the world. And I am not immune to it’s effects.

I started a Celebrancy business at the end of last year. For those of you outside Australia/New Zealand, a celebrant is a person who is not affiliated with any religion and can perform legal weddings and other ceremonies. It provides an alternative for people who don’t want to get married in a Church or by a minister and also don’t want a registry wedding.

Cue CV19. Severe restrictions on Weddings and suddenly no business. Luckily, the Knight-in-tarnished-armour is able to work from home, so we were fine in the regard, but it was quite the blow to my little fledgling business.

My beautiful surrogate grandfather passed away in March. Growing up in Australia, literally on the opposite side of the globe from my actual grandparents, meant that this wonderful person and his equally wonderful wife, filled that role in my life. Being interstate, I was unable to attend his funeral in person and watching it via zoom was not quite the same. A small bonus was, that I could bawl freely in the privacy of my house without being concerned about appropriateness. I can only hope that I can get down to visit his wife soon.

But here in Queensland we have been really lucky. No community acquired cases in ages -hopefully we can keep it that way.

This post is super dis-jointed and I have no idea where I planned on it ending up. I saw the title in my unpublished drafts and snorted. So here you go – a stream of consciousness in these interesting times.